Venous Insufficiency provides a practical approach to recognize and to treat the disorder of the valves in veins of the leg. The concepts involved are not difficult to understand. What is demanding is the day‐to‐day application of measures to counter the unrelenting effect of gravity on the circulation of the lower body. Such is the burden we bipeds assume for challenging gravity with our extended upright activity. What is truly remarkable is the exquisite coordination of muscles and valves that enable the venous system of the lower limbs to function normally.
Venous insufficiency—one of the causes of aching, swelling, and ulcers of the leg—poses a worldwide problem. This chronic disorder may affect to some degree nearly half of women and a fifth of men, ranging from surface blushes and varicose veins to misshapen legs and to breakdown of the skin. Venous insufficiency is a common cause of persistent discomfort, restricted activity, early retirement, and prolonged medical care, all of which contribute immensely to its social and economic burden. For many, it means disfiguring and troublesome skin conditions and ulcers in the legs. Despite the frequency and the exasperating nature of venous insufficiency, it is largely under-diagnosed and under-treated. Yet, when identified and treated, the complications can be controlled, if not eliminated.
In addition to chapters on the diagnosis and treatment of venous insufficiency, there is a chapter on how venous disease can affect otherwise well persons in various life situations. Another chapter covers various medical conditions that complicate the management of venous insufficiency. The last chapter provides an historical overview to better appreciate the advances in contemporary management.