On behalf of the editors, we welcome you to the First Edition of Cardiovascular PET: Current Concepts. This book comes as a result of the tremendous worldwide clinical growth in Cardiovascular PET Imaging. Cardiac PET has revolutionized myocardial perfusion imaging, as well as the detection of myocardial viability, sarcoidosis, and device/lead infection. In addition, new tracers and instrumentation that will be entering the cardiac PET arena will drive new indications and patient management pathways as well as new camera systems that will continue to improve image quality. This book represents a comprehensive compilation of all aspects related to contemporary cardiovascular PET Imaging. Our intent is to present current knowledge and practical aspects of clinical cardiovascular PET, rather than taking a comprehensive textbook approach.
This book is divided into sections that are relevant to the clinical practice of PET. The first section vividly describes the scientific advances that have driven the growing value of cardiovascular PET. The second section describes the practical clinical and technical aspects of PET myocardial perfusion imaging as well as adjunctive evaluation of calcium during the CT acquisition. Special attention is given to the growing field of absolute myocardial blood flow quantitation. This technique is now an integral and essential part of a cardiac PET program and for this reason we have devoted an entire section to this subject including clinical data, quality control, and interpretation. A crucial driver of these advancements is the new technical developments and instrumentation that have become available. We provide an overview of these advancements and their practical value to the practicing clinician. Myocardial viability assessment with FDG PET is an underutilized component of this modality. This section describes the compelling PET literature supporting a metabolic approach to viability and describes practical methods important for patient preparation, data acquisition, and, finally, interpretation. The final two sections are devoted to the rapidly emerging applications of PET to nontraditional diseases and disease states that are becoming essential nuclear cardiology services: namely, inflammation and infection imaging. These exciting arenas are expanding the value of cardiac PET to healthcare providers not generally familiar with nuclear cardiology. We have added a brief discussion at the end of each chapter entitled “Editor’s Perspective” to emphasize and enhance the clinical value of the chapter based upon the editor’s clinical experience in PET.
We are honored to include as chapter authors some of the most respected members of the cardiovascular PET community who have often contributed to the literature that is being cited. Their contributions offer the most up-to-date understanding of the current research and practices as well as unique insight into the direction of cardiac PET. We are extremely grateful for their important contributions. In each section we have also focused on practical aspects which include descriptions of the performance of these procedures and, just as important, the interpretation skills necessary for each modality.
It is our profound hope that this book will provide you with important insights into the growing development of clinical cardiovascular PET and show you how to implement state-of-the-art cardiac PET in your own clinical practice. Your input after reading this book would be greatly appreciated and crucial in developing future editions.
Gary V. Heller
Timothy M. Bateman
James A. Case
Parthiban Arumugam