(B) This video demonstrates a successful BAV in the long axis view. The balloon did not become dislodged with this inflation. (C) A short axis view of the BAV is demonstrated in this video." /> (B) This video demonstrates a successful BAV in the long axis view. The balloon did not become dislodged with this inflation. (C) A short axis view of the BAV is demonstrated in this video. learning module on AccessCardiology. AccessCardiology is a subscription-based resource from McGraw Hill that features trusted medical content from the best minds in medicine." /> Skip to Main Content

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Video 13-3-2 (A-C): (A) With the initial BAV attempt, the balloon "pops" out of the valve when it was inflated. This was due to loss of pacemaker capture (rapid ventricular pacing is performed to decrease LV contractility to prevent dislodgement of the balloon both during the BAV and during valve deployment). (B) This video demonstrates a successful BAV in the long axis view. The balloon did not become dislodged with this inflation. (C) A short axis view of the BAV is demonstrated in this video.

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